It is now June, which means we have started a new unit! This post contains affiliate links.
We started A to Zoo, a fun unit all about the alphabet and animals. This is a month for review. We get to review the alphabet, as well as review other basic skills.
For our bird topic we made bird puppets at the art center. Each preschooler made two birds. They used markers, craft sticks, feathers and glue to design their birds. There is a fun rhyme with this activity called Two Little Birdies.
"Two little birdies sitting on a knee,
(Hold birds on knees)
One named Jack and one named Ann.
(Wiggle one bird, then the other)
Fly away Jack; fly away Ann,
(Fly one at a time from knee to behind back)
Come back Jack; come back Ann.
(Fly one back out, then the other)
When their birds dry they get to act out this rhyme. You can replace the names in this rhyme with the names of your students.
My preschoolers love art and had a lot of fun with the feathers.

Every bird turned out very different!
We played a fun math game today. I gave them Play-Doh and asked them to make bird food, such as berries and worms. They worked together to make food and put it in the bowl. I flipped over number cards and they took turns turning a card over and identifying the number. They then counted out that much bird food, placing it on the nest with 1:1 correspondence.

We are just two days into this unit from Experience Early Learning.
Yesterday we learned about alligators for the letter A and made alligator habitats during art, and learned several fun facts about this large reptile.

Stay turned for more fun projects from our Experience Preschool curriculum box this month!
