We have learned about five dinosaurs this week - Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Mussaurus and the Pterodactyl. This is our second week with DinoLand and the children love this theme! We have learned that dinosaurs come in all shapes and sizes, and that some were as small as a mouse! When we learned that the Mussaurus was nicknamed "Mouse Lizard" they started laughing. It was hard to believe some dinosaurs could be so small because when most of us think about dinosaurs, we think of them being big.
I wanted to share some of the things that we have done this week. This post contains affiliate links.
We completed our I Can Read book this month, Dinosaurs Go Away. We worked to identify three words (big, go, away) as we read this story, circling them as we read. I love the I Can Read books that we receive each month from Experience Early Learning. They correlate with our theme and they are great little books to practice concepts of print and writing. We talk about the parts of a book and they practice following along as I read. They get to take these books home afterwards to read them with their families.
We practiced basic addition and subtraction skills by solving math problems. We used our big dinosaurs to help us solve these problems! We have four story problems to solve and two of the stories are more challenging.

We played with our dinosaurs in shaving cream which was a lot of fun! Dinosaurs and shaving cream created a fun sensory experience!

We reviewed our shapes and got creative with them during one of our art activities, Dino Shapes. We have learned that dinosaurs were all shapes and sizes, so this was a fun activity to get creative with.

We practiced our hand-eye coordination by using stencils to create dinosaurs! We used a sponge and painted the inside of our stencils and thought it was fun to see the dinosaur that was revealed when we lifted them up! We also got to practice our fine motor skills with this activity.

We have learned that some dinosaurs ate leaves and plants while other dinosaurs were meat eaters and liked to eat other dinosaurs. We completed a community challenge activity where we worked together to create a big Brontosaurus neck! I love community challenges because they challenge us to work together. This helps us with our teamwork and communication skills.
We also practiced spelling our names, and did a lot more then what was mentioned here. This is just some of what we did this week! We have practiced so many skills!
I have an inclusive classroom and I love that Experience Early Learning allows me to easily adapt the lessons to help me meet the needs of my students. I can challenge them when needed, simplify the material when needed, and add in my own lessons that relate to what we are learning. Best of all it is play-based, which is so important at this age!
Thank you for coming along with us as we explore dinosaurs this month. Until next week!
