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Portfolios.. a keepsake for your preschooler.


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Did you know that throughout your child's year at Tilly Tots Preschool they are working on a portfolio? Every month I set aside work samples including artwork, writing samples, coloring samples, notes, and photos from the month. Photos may include our science experiments, some of the activities we completed, or just pictures of the friendships that they are forming while at school. Experience Early Learning sends a portfolio memory page in each box of curriculum. You will find these in Week 4, Lesson 20 each month. For September I put the children's first day of school picture on the front of their memory page and for October they drew a picture of their favorite weather since we are learning all about Weather and Seasons this month. On the back of these you will see the Theme Web for the month.

Our Theme Web for September

We use the Experience Preschool curriculum from Experience Early Learning (their curriculum ranges from birth, toddler, to Pre-K). I love that they send these memory pages each month because they are a great way to separate their work samples and keep their portfolios organized. Preschool portfolios are a great way to track their progress throughout the year. As a parent myself, I love looking back on their work from the year and seeing just how much they have progressed. Kids grow up fast, and you really see a huge difference - in work and in photos - from the beginning of the year to the end.

Notes describing the project.
Mondrian Art

Experience Early Learning also sends daily notes each week that you can include with the project that they have completed. I like to personalize some notes on the back of the project based on what skills the child was working on or what I observed while they were working or playing. I also like to include the notes that are sent (I glue these on the back of some of the projects) because it gives an explanation on what we did and a question that you can ask your child about how they chose to complete their projects.

I use one-inch binders to create their portfolios.

These portfolios really do make a special keepsake for you and your child from their time in preschool, and I love putting these together for you.



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