Being responsible is an important trait to learn! This week we have learned about the different chores to help out with around our homes and have focused on what it means to be responsible. We practice responsibility in class everyday by cleaning up the toys after we are done playing, clearing our spot at the table after snack, and putting our belongings away in our cubby. We talked about different chores they help out with at home and why it is important to take care of our spaces. It isn't always fun to have to stop what we are doing to clean up, but it is an important thing to do!
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This week we have also learned how to be a responsible pet owner. What does your pet need from you? We had fun sharing about our pets and then I asked them how they take care of them. They help feed and water them, play with them, and help clean up after them. We talked about how different pets have different needs. If you have an inside cat, you most likely have a litter box. If you have a dog, you need to make sure they get outside. If your pet spends time in a cage, they need their cage cleaned. Some of the pets in our classroom included cows, dogs, cats, a hamster, chickens and ducks! Animals depend on us to meet their needs. My preschoolers love animals, and they all knew immediately what their pet needed from them.
This week one of our activities was a chore chart. This chore chart was part of Week Three, Lesson 11 (Cleaning Up) in Habitats and Homes. This activity was perfect since we have been talking about different chores we have to do around the house and that chores are part of being responsible. In our Experience Preschool curriculum box we received a chore chart for everyone along with chore tabs. Out of all the chore tabs they cut out they went through and picked up to five chore tabs (with the option of a bonus paid chore if they wanted). We talked about what chores they could do at home to help out their families as they were trying to choose what to pick, whether it was taking care of their personal belongings, helping with the pets, or helping out in a shared space.
The children are doing great with their scissor skills and it has been fun seeing them become more confident in using scissors this year. I really liked this chore chart because they got to choose what chores they wanted to help out with everyday. It gave them the freedom to choose, and I think they are more likely to help out if it something that they are choosing to take on. After they complete the chore for the day they turn their card around to say "Done!"

I even received a picture from a mom who's son was wiping the table down - a chore he chose to do on his chore chart! It was great seeing him put his chore chart to use at home. Teaching children responsibility is important. As parents, we won't always be around to clean up after them or make sure they are doing what they should be. Giving them the tools to be successful is important, and this starts at an early age. There are plenty of age appropriate chores they can help out with! When everyone chips in at school and at home, it makes the day run more smoothly.
We talked about teamwork and what that looks like both at school and at home, and that it isn't fair to make one person do all the work, especially when we helped create the mess. Habitats and Homes has touched on a lot so far this month, from the different places people live, the rooms around our house, to the chores we have to do. Next week we start exploring animal homes!
