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I did this blog a little differently this week, sharing some of the highlights from our week! It's hard to believe that we are close to finishing our April theme, Ocean Dive. We have loved learning all about the ocean this month with our Experience Preschool curriculum.
Jellyfish Hats

We started our week learning about jellyfish. During art we made jellyfish hats - which automatically turned the entire class into jellyfish! I love how our Make & Play projects spark dramatic play. We used a shower cap, ribbon and tape to complete these hats. Super simple and super fun! I loved seeing my preschoolers turn into jellyfish once wearing the hats!
Bird's Berry Bounty

During one of our literacy lessons this week I read Bird's Berry Bounty, a book that was included in our Experience Preschool box this month. This was a book about generosity. I read the story and then they got to retell the story using the story pieces. Story telling/re-telling is a great way to practice their understanding of narrative structure. Story pieces allow the children to interact with the story.
What Am I?
Every month we receive a new I Can Read book in our preschool curriculum. This month it was titled What Am I? We focused on identifying those three words (what, am, I), and they either circled or underlined the words as we read the story. These books are great for their emerging literacy skills!
School of Fish

This week I challenged them during math. During our School of Fish activity I laid out sixteen fish on the floor, all numbered 1-16. I called students up one at a time to identify a certain number and then I hung it on the wall. After they were all hung up I had them close their eyes while I took one fish away. They took turns coming up to figure out which fish was missing. This was a fun and interactive math game, and my preschoolers asked to play this again!
Seahorse Pouch

Seahorse Pouch was a great way to encourage writing this week. They get excited anytime we have sand out, and it's a fun way to let them practice writing. I put the letters we have been learning this month - both uppercase and lowercase - inside the paper bag, or, the "Seahorse Pouch." Inside the bag was also a seahorse card. They drew a card out of the bag and had to practice writing that letter, or, if they drew the seahorse card they had to write the first letter of their name.
Counting Seahorses

Another math challenge this week was called Counting Seahorses. I numbered envelopes 1-5 and put seahorse cards inside. I asked them to tell me the number on the envelope and then see how many cards were inside. Not all of the envelopes had the right amount of cards inside. This was a fun challenge!
Ocean Patterns
This month we have focused on ABCC patterns. We have this same pattern on our calendar during circle time, and we look at what will come next in our pattern as we count the days. This week we had ocean animal pictures for our pattern strip and they worked to start the pattern and end it. I love that Experience Early Learning sends a new pattern strip and cards each month. This is a fun way for the children to be hands-on with pattern building.
It has been a great week!
